Welcome to the blog! My name is Juanita and I am the person behind the camera of Persnickety Photography. I am still in the middle of finishing my website or I guess I really should say my husband is in the middle of finishing the site. As I vented earlier this morning on Facebook you would think that his wife's website would be top priority but I guess I was wrong. Everyday he gets the same speech from me about finishing the site and each day he puts with it so I give him props for being such a great husband and not telling me to shut up about it.
Anyways here is the blog!! Make sure to check back every now and then to see what's new with Persnickety. I plan on updating it frequently with new pictures, advice about what not to wear to a shoot, about my everyday life and other random tidbits. But it will be mainly about Persnickety. So once again welcome! Sit back and enjoy a good read!
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