(That's my daughter fyi) And yes, this is a personal post. How else would you get to know me?
So I decided to take Kayla to Hot Pots in Timonium. It is one of those places you go to and paint your own cup, mug, plate, etc. We needed a present for my dad, her g-daddy's, birthday. Well we ended up picking up a stein. Not for his beer, seeing as he doesn't drink at all, that wouldn't make much since but rather for his ice cream<---that makes more sense, right? The man could live off ice cream! And the stein was perfect because he always eats his ice cream from a mug or some object with a handle.
Anyways, the cup turned out like you would expect it to turn out. After an hour and half of being there a majority of the cup was painted. I know it didn't matter what it looked like, he would love it! So here are a few pictures I took while we were there,enjoy!
he's going to love it! looks like she had a blast