Kayla's dance recital can be summed up in one word: HILARIOUS! Of course the older girls took the performance very serious but not my daughter. She had a blast! She went out on the stage and didn't miss a beat. She did every single step that she was suppose to do and more! Atone point during the show, she didn't get the cue to come off the stage. So there was Kayla, just standing out on the stage all by herself, smiling at the audience. Someone eventually went to fetch her, which I don't think she was too happy about. (chuckle)
During her final performance, she decided that it was her time to shine again. When the music ends you are suppose to throw your arms up and smile. Well Kayla decided to dart up to the front of the stage and then throw her arms up and smile. When her instructor finally noticed, she had to a bring her back down. While this is all going on, the whole audience is rolling. Kayla was definitely a show stopper.
She had a great time and we can't with for her next big day!
she was in her element which is surprising from the child who won't talk to strangers (or even look at them) What fun!!